Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Singapore Sports Council pulled out of LOCAL Adventure Race...LAST MINUTE

Well well, Singapore Sports Council is settled up for a reason and the reason is to promote sports in Singapore. Correct me if I am wrong. But what I just heard was a total opposite of what they are trying to do. And it is not the first time I have seen Singapore Sports Council not putting effort into local sports scene. Especially lesser known sports.

And I bet many of you out there don't even know that 1st week of September (1st - 5th) there are a group of 7 ladies flying Singapore flag in Milan. In the 2010 I.C.F Canoe Polo World Championship. These ladies paid the trip from their own pockets and through fund raising. Mind you they are representing us aren't they? But where is the fanfare we get like mainstream sports? And the funding to help them? And in fact did Singapore Sports Council help a bit? I wonder? Or are they too crop up with YOG? Where is the publicity? Talk about wanting to make Singapore a Sports Hub. But if you guys don't even support Singapore athletes that are flying your flag don't even talk about becoming a Sports Hub.

And of course there is a Adventure Race this weekend, and Singapore Sports Council pulled out like 3days before the event. Can you believe it? So LAST MINUTE. No money? Only the person who made the decision know. And he too mention that the SSC don't want to be mis-interpreted. Well are we talking about sports here? Correct me if I am wrong. IS Adventure Racing NOT a SPORT? It is as much as a sports compare to your normal mainstream sports. Why only provide for soccer, swimming, table tennis, bowling, sailing, badminton, are they the only sports in the WORLD? PLEASE WAKE UP YOUR IDEAS SSC.

And it the news today Dr. Vivian Balakrishna mention that the government OVERLOOK and UNDER ESTIMATED the cost of recent YOG causing the total bill for YOG to overshot the budget by 3 times. Well he mention that it is "peanut" compare to the 2012 London Games. Hmm, I wonder, 2012 LONDON are hosting WORLD CLASS, WORLD FAMOUS, PROVEN, ATHLETES who are household names in their own country and even in their own continent, who do we have at the recent YOG? USA B-Swimming Team, Haiti for soccer. With all due respect these are hardly world class team. Come on, who are you trying to kid. London spending 19billion dollars is justifiable consider the fact that they are expecting world class athletes but recent YOG did we have any world class athletes? Even Sean Kingston decided to give the event a miss. So much so for trying to compare sand with rock together. So if you guys keep having this mentality, the idea of Sports Hub will NOT materialize.

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